Thursday, October 13, 2005


The rain was too much and the numbers were too small. No Goaltimate or shtick last night.

Reports from RSD...there's a thread going around about the best deeps, which means that people are posting mainly about their own teammates that have the "biggest ups you've ever seen!!!!!!!!!!!". Someone actually took the time to reference Matt Berkseth, but spelled it wrong. It's close enough that I could almost take half credit, but we all know that doesn't apply to me.

Threads like that just provide more evidence that either you're a big name (MG, Kittridge, Nord, Chase, Lugsdin, etc) or your own teammates have to hype you to get your name out. Call it a lack of media, an old boys club, or whatever. Yes, great talent should be immediately recognized. Obviously. Those who can most effectively evaluate talent (and therefore are less likely to exaggerate) are those that are very good themselves.

Probably another reason not to read RSD...for those that maintain some of the best deeps play for a mixed team named Whor$hack. If you say so.

PS "Beware Boardman." Indeed.