Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Fashionably Late to the MUDI Party

This past weekend brought the first tourney for the '07 version of Sub Zero. I think we've had a total of two weekend practices together as a team. Being as young a team as we are, we decided to nix the extra plane ticket for Boston Invitational this year. However, the powers that be decided that Regionals should be in Tulsa, which brings back that extra ticket that's actually more expensive than flying to Boston.

Maple Plain, no cloud cover, little shade, and a fairly heavy upwind-downwind. The ground was hard as ever, but I was very pleased to be back in a tournament setting. The first three games in pool play resulted in three quick wins and five total points scored against us. In the fourth, Goose Egg ran out a quick lead on us, as a foreshadowing for the finals the next day, before we reeled them in a won 13-8.

Day Two brought a shade more cloud cover, and a comfortable 11 AM quarters start. Blerge went down to the wire against TBA, leading to a 13-0 warmup to Winnipeg in semis. This wasn't the same General Strike as years past as the personnel has started to shift. We won 13-7 but they could definitely make a good show at Regionals if they're willing to make the 16 hour drive.

This brought a finals showdown against Van Buren Boys. I was glad that they made finals so I could play against a new unknown opponent. Plus, the crowd seemed very pumped to see them prevail. Now, there have already been many accounts written from the VBB side of the coin (seriously, VBB is dominating the blog scene right now, just edging out Moe).

My personal side of it goes something like this (in a stream-of-consciousness sort of way):
We start off slow and go down a break or two to start. Pregame, I would have said that their D-line's offense would be their weakness without any "take charge" handlers like their O-line has, but sure enough they convert a few in the first half, including up-winders. Our defense is not having much problems creating turnovers and converting either. I am very intrigued to see how our D-line handler set of Kevin Riley, Muffin and myself work out. We had a couple of handler cut miscues, but things were getting ironed out. Much like the Goose Egg game from the previous day, even though we were down a couple early, at no point did I feel like we were in trouble. I felt like we were going to continue to get lots of chances at breaks and that our O line would come around and be more consistent. Sure enough, down 6-7 with half at 8, we break twice to take half (even with some solid crowd heckling directed our way). We proceed to hit the gas from there and extend to 13-9. Our depth took over by the second half as VBB's were clearly more gassed.

Overall, BAT and Machine can't ignore Van Buren when it comes time for Regionals. As of right now, they still fit into the "dangerous if underestimated" category. They need to keep their play consistently good over a full game in order to beat a high caliber opponent. If Regionals follows previous formats, it would definitely help them by limiting the number of games played in order to qualify for Nationals to 6 or so. Also, keep in mind that it's only July, and this tournament will mean shit come September and October.

Parting thoughts: By the end of the weekend, there were more guys on SZ reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows on the sidelines than not. This is my third title in a row including Come Inside Where It's Warm, and Winter League Playoffs. After those, ECC should be a walk in the park. Also, blogger doesn't recognize sarcasm html tags, so I leave it to you to figure out where those would apply.


At July 26, 2007 9:25 AM, Blogger ellsworthless said...

While playing you guys I got confused several times. 'Smellsworth' is sometimes shortened to 'Smells' which sounds like 'Schmelz'.

Good playing in the final, I am sure that it will be relived a couple more times this season.

At July 26, 2007 10:32 AM, Blogger Schmelz said...

It's like having someone on the other team named "Nick", "Rick" or "Miolation".

Elementary age kids have always been mean about names, but mine was an especially easy target.

The next meeting would have surely been Cooler, but we are headed to ECC instead.

At July 26, 2007 3:35 PM, Blogger ellsworthless said...

Ah yes, ECC, the easy way out. Good luck.

At July 26, 2007 4:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

VBB is recruiting Moes directly from the blogosphere. What was once a succesful trio of semi-prolific Flaming blogs has been reduced to personal journals (occasionally Ultimate related), what with the Brother-Nation defection. The Gorilla's infrequent streams of thought looked like they were gonna step up to keep the torch burnin', but as of late he's stuck in Slow Poultry land. A dark day for Moe blogging, but darker still for Bad Larry, hair-smellers since April.

Well played, VBB, well played.

Perhaps you can use your new-found blogging clout to bring back Billy and Worm. Bring them back! Let the efforts of all Ultimate blogs combine and bring back "Do You Know Who I Was." As we pass into the 14th month of nothing from our brilliant story-telling duo, just as they were nearing the cusp of what no doubt would have been their intro to greatness, we can't help but be tempted to search elsewhere for weekly fulfillment on the Ulty internet: a daunting task when Luke is exercising, George is counseling, Jim and Al are old, Canada is preparing for something in Canada, Timmy has gone daddy, Zaz is stuck in the rule book, and Match, well...

At August 15, 2007 5:44 PM, Blogger Creaky Old Man Rosco said...

Schmelzle has a blog? Well ain't that nice, and this is my second ever blog post. Look who's moving up in the world of geekdom! Until later I'll just keep my bloggin' thoughts rattlin' around in my noggin'. Hey noggin' ... bloggin' ... I might be on to somethin'.

At August 20, 2007 8:20 AM, Blogger ellsworthless said...

I hope there is an ECC write coming soon. The Central Region seemed to be repped pretty well, so let's hear about it.

At August 22, 2007 11:07 AM, Blogger sometallskinnykid said...

What happened to the Van Blogging Boys?

At October 27, 2007 3:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...




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At August 24, 2008 10:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

milf challenge -
milk my cock -
mommy loves cock -
nebraska coeds -
rectal rooter -
sapphic erotica -
sex and submission -
sperm swap -
strip club exposed -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny hunt -
water bondage -
wired pussy -
yank my crank -
amber at home -
all internal -
ass traffic -
big sausage pizza -
black bros white hoes -
border bangers -
college fuckfest -
euro fuck trip -
fucking machines -
girls hunting girls -
give me pink -
hardcore partying -
milf challenge -
milk my cock -
mommy loves cock -
nebraska coeds -
rectal rooter -
sapphic erotica -
sex and submission -
sperm swap -
strip club exposed -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny hunt -
water bondage -
wired pussy -
yank my crank -
banging the biway -
all internal -
ass traffic -
big sausage pizza -
black bros white hoes -
border bangers -
college fuckfest -
euro fuck trip -
fucking machines -
girls hunting girls -
give me pink -
hardcore partying -
milf challenge -
milk my cock -
mommy loves cock -
nebraska coeds -
rectal rooter -
sapphic erotica -
sex and submission -
sperm swap -
strip club exposed -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny hunt -
water bondage -
wired pussy -
yank my crank -
banging the biway -
all internal -
ass traffic -
big sausage pizza -
black bros white hoes -
border bangers -
college fuckfest -
euro fuck trip -
fucking machines -
girls hunting girls -
give me pink -
hardcore partying -
milf challenge -
milk my cock -
mommy loves cock -
nebraska coeds -
rectal rooter -
sapphic erotica -
sex and submission -
strip club exposed -
teen brazil -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny hunt -
water bondage -
wired pussy -
yank my crank -
banging the biway -
all internal -
ass traffic -
big sausage pizza -
black bros white hoes -
border bangers -
college fuckfest -
euro fuck trip -
fucking machines -
girls hunting girls -
give me pink -
hardcore partying -
milf challenge -
milk my cock -
mommy loves cock -
nebraska coeds -
rectal rooter -
sappphic erotica -
sex and submission -
strip club exposed -
teen brazil -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny hunt -
water bondage -
wired pussy -
yank my crank -
dude bang -
all internal -
ass traffic -
big sausage pizza -
black bros white hoes -
border bangers -
college fuckfest -
euro fuck trip -
fucking machines -
girls hunting girls -
give me pink -
hardcore partying -
milf challenge -
milk my cock -
mommy loves cock -
nebraska coeds -
rectal rooter -
sapphic erotica -
sex and submission -
strip club exposed -
teen brazil -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny hunt -
water bondage -
wired pussy -
yank my crank -
dude bang -
all internal -
ass traffic -
big sausage pizza -
black bros white hoes -
border bangers -
college fuckfest -
euro fuck trip -
fucking machines -
girls hunting girls -
give me pink -
hardcore partying -
milf challenge -
milk my cock -
mommy loves cock -
nebraska coeds -
rectal rooter -
sapphic erotica -
sex and submission -
strip club exposed -
teen brazil -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny hunt -
water bondage -
wired pussy -
yank my crank -
dude bang -
all internal -
ass traffic -
big sausage pizza -
black bros white hoes -
border bangers -
college fuckfest -
fucking machines -
girls hunting girls -
give me pink -
hardcore partying -
milf challenge -
milk my cock -
mommy loves cock -
nebraska coeds -
rectal rooter -
sapphic erotica -
sex and submission -
strip club exposed -
teen brazil -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny hunt -
water bondage -
wired pussy -
yank my crank -
jena kay ricci -
all internal -
ass traffic -
big sausage pizza -
black bros white hoes -
border bangers -
college fuckfest -
fucking machines -
girls hunting girls -
give me pink -
hardcore partying -
milf challenge -
milk my cock -
mommy loves cock -
nebraska coeds -
rectal rooter -
sapphic erotica -
sex and submission -
strip club exposed -
teen brazil -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny hunt -
water bondage -
wired pussy -
yank my crank -
jena kay ricci -
all internal -
ass traffic -
big sausage pizza -
black bros white hoes -
border bangers -
college fuckfest -
fucking machines -
girls hunting girls -
give me pink -
hardcore partying -
milf challenge -
milk my cock -
mommy loves cock -
nebraska coeds -
rectal rooter -
sapphic erotica -
sex and submission -
strip club exposed -
teen brazil -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny hunt -
water bondage -
wird pussy -
yank my crank -
mandi rose fanelli -
all internal -
ass traffic -
big sausage pizza -
black bros white hoes -
border bangers -
college fuckfest -
fucking machines -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
milf challenge -
milk my cock -
mommy loves cock -
nebraska coeds -
rectal rooter -
sapphic erotica -
sex and submission -
strip club exposed -
teen brazil -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny hunt -
water bondage -
wired pussy -
yank my crank -
mandi rose fanelli -
all internal -
ass traffic -
big sausage pizza -
black bros white hoes -
border bangers -
college fuckfest -
fucking machines -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
milf challenge -
milk my cock -
mommy loves cock -
nebraska coeds -
rectal rooter -
sapphic erotica -
sex and submission -
strip club exposed -
teen brazil -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny hunt -
water bondage -
wired pussy -
yank my crank -
mandi rose fanelli -
all internal -
ass traffic -
big sausage pizza -
bikini banger -
black bros white hoes -
border bangers -
college fuckfest -
euro fuck trip -
fucking machines -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
milf challenge -
milk my cock -
mommy loves cock -
nebraska coeds -
rectal rooter -
sapphic erotica -
sex and submission -
strip club exposed -
teen brazil -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny hunt -
water bondage -
yank my crank -
phat white booty -
all internal -
ass traffic -
big sausage pizza -
bikini banger -
black bros white hoes -
border bangers -
college fuckfest -
euro fuck trip -
fucking machines -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
milf challenge -
milk my cock -
mommy loves cock -
nebraska coeds -
rectal rooter -
sapphic erotica -
sex and submission -
sperm swap -
strip club exposed -
teen brazil -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny hunt -
wired pussy -
yank my crank -
phat white booty -
all internal -
ass traffic -
big sausage pizza -
bikini banger -
black bros white hoes -
border bangers -
college fuckfest -
euro fuck trip -
fucking machines -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
milf challenge -
milk my cock -
mommy loves cock -
nebraska coeds -
rectal rooter -
sapphic erotica -
sex and submission -
sperm swap -
strip club exposed -
teen brazil -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny hunt -
yank my crank -
phat white booty -
ass traffic -
big sausage pizza -
bikini banger -
black bros white hoes -
border bangers -
college fuckfest -
euro fuck trip -
fucking machines -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
milf challenge -
mommy loves cock -
nebraska coeds -
rectal rooter -
sapphic erotica -
sperm swap -
strip club exposed -
teen brazil -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny hunt -
yank my crank -
squirterz -
ass traffic -
big sausage pizza -
bikini banger -
black bros white hoes -
border bangers -
college fuckfest -
euro fuck trip -
fucking machines -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
milf challenge -
mommy loves cock -
nebraska coeds -
rectal rooter -
sapphic erotica -
sex and submission -
strip club exposed -
teen brazil -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny hunt -
yank my crank -
squirterz -
ass traffic -
big sausage pizza -
bikini banger -
black bros white hoes -
border bangers -
college fuckfest -
euro fuck trip -
fucking machines -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
milf challenge -
mommy loves cock -
nebraska coeds -
rectal rooter -
sapphic erotica -
sex and submission -
strip club exposed -
teen brazil -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny hunt -
yank my crank -
adult video lounge -
all anal movies -
all internal -
anime illustrated -
ass traffic -
boob inspector -
ebony auditions -
ebony hunger -
fucking machines -
give me pink -
hogtied -
hot xxx blonde -
just ebony -
lesbian exotic -
lesbo trick -
live hardcore show -
milfs exposed -
orgy heaven -
pure interracial -
shemale angel -
sperm swap -
strictly pornstars -
teeny mania -
truly tranny -
adultvideolounge -
all anal movies -
all internal -
anime illustrated -
ass traffic -
boob inspector -
ebony auditions -
ebony hunger -
fucking machines -
give me pink -
hogtied -
hot gay porno -
just ebony -
lesbian exotic -
live hardcore show -
milfs exposed -
orgy heaven -
pure interracial -
sperm swap -
strictly pornstars -
teeny mania -
truly tranny -
adult video lounge -
all anal movies -
all internal -
anime illustrated -
ass traffic -
boob inspector -
ebony auditions -
ebony hunger -
fucking machines -
give me pink -
hogtied -
just ebony -
lesbian exotic -
live hardcore show -
milfs exposed -
orgy heaven -
pure interracial -
sperm swap -
strictly pornstars -
teeny mania -
truly tranny -
black semen lovers -
all anal movies -
all internal -
anime illustrated -
ass traffic -
boob inspector -
ebony auditions -
ebony hunger -
fucking machines -
give me pink -
hogtied -
just ebony -
lesbian exotic -
live hardcore show -
milfs exposed -
orgy heaven -
pure interracial -
sperm swap -
strictly pornstars -
teeny mania -
truly tranny -
black semen lovers -
all internal -
all interracial -
asian exotics -
ass traffic -
booty studio -
ebony bad girls -
ebony knights -
fucking machines -
give me pink -
hogtied -
just hardcore sex -
lesbian experience -
mature appeal -
milfs exposed -
orgy pleasure -
rap video auditions -
sperm swap -
stunning studs -
the adult cinema -
we like it black -
black semen lovers -
all internal -
all interracial -
asian exotics -
ass traffic -
booty studio -
ebony bad girls -
ebony knights -
fucking machines -
give me pink -
hogtied -
hot gay porno -
just hardcore sex -
lesbian experience -
mature appeal -
milfs exposed -
orgy pleasure -
rap video auditions -
sperm swap -
stunning studs -
the adult cinema -
we like it black -
cherry potter -
all internal -
all interracial -
asian exotics -
ass traffic -
booty studio -
ebony bad girls -
ebony knights -
fucking machines -
give me pink -
hogtied -
hot gay porno -
just hardcore sex -
lesbian experience -
mature appeal -
milfs exposed -
orgy pleasure -
rap video auditions -
sperm swap -
stunning studs -
the adult cinema -
we like it black -
cherry potter -
all internal -
all interracial -
asian exotics -
ass traffic -
booty studio -
ebony bad girls -
ebony knights -
fucking machines -
give me pink -
hogtied -
indian dream girl -
just hardcore sex -
lesbian experience -
mature appeal -
milfs exposed -
orgy pleasure -
rap video auditions -
sperm swap -
stunning studs -
the adult cinema -
we like it black -
cherry potter -
all internal -
all interracial -
ass traffic -
awesome interracial -
cum covered glasses -
ebony candy -
ebony knights -
fucking machines -
give me pink -
hogtied -
indian dream girl -
just over eighteen -
lesbian sex city -
mature temptations -
movie flux -
petite stars -
rap video auditions -
sperm swap -
supreme cock -
the mature source -
we like it black -
chubby secrets -
all internal -
all interracial -
ass traffic -
awesome interracial -
cum covered glasses -
ebony candy -
ebony knights -
fucking machines -
give me pink -
hogtied -
indian dream girl -
just over eighteen -
lesbian sex city -
mature temptations -
movie flux -
petite stars -
rap video auditions -
sperm swap -
supreme cock -
the mature source -
totally amateurs -
chubby secrets -
all internal -
always amateur -
ass traffic -
awesome interracial -
cum covered glasses -
ebony candy -
ebony knights -
facial land -
fucking machines -
give me pink -
hogtied -
indian dream girl -
just over eighteen -
lesbian sex city -
mandys diary -
mature temptations -
movie flux -
petite stars -
real big nudes -
sperm swap -
supreme cock -
the mature source -
totally amateurs -
chubby secrets -
all internal -
always amateur -
ass traffic -
awesome interracial -
cum covered glasses -
ebony candy -
facial land -
fucking machines -
give me pink -
hogtied -
interracial retreat -
just over eighteen -
lesbian sex city -
mature temptations -
movie flux -
petite stars -
real big nudes -
sperm swap -
supreme cock -
the mature source -
totally amateurs -
lesbians from heaven -
all internal -
always amateur -
ass traffic -
bi experience -
cum covered glasses -
ebony candy -
facial land -
give me pink -
hogtied -
interracial retreat -
latina diamonds -
lesbian sistas -
mandys diary -
maximum orgy -
naughty teen club -
porn movie outlet -
real big nudes -
sperm swap -
supreme hardcore -
totally amateurs -
we like it black -
lesbiansfromtheheaven -
all internal -
always amateur -
ass traffic -
bi experience -
cum covered glasses -
download pass -
ebony candy -
facial land -
give me pink -
hogtied -
interracial retreat -
latina diamonds -
lesbian sistas -
mandys diary -
maximum orgy -
naughty teen club -
porn movie outlet -
real big nudes -
sperm swap -
supreme hardcore -
lesbians from heaven -
all internal -
amateur idols -
ass traffic -
bi experience -
cumshot circus -
download pass -
ebony climax -
gay dream boys -
give me pink -
hogtied -
interracial retreat -
latina diamonds -
lesbian sistas -
mandys diary -
maximum orgy -
naughty teen club -
porn movie outlet -
screw my sexy wife -
sperm swap -
tasty teen babes -
tranny centerfolds -
mature caress -
all internal -
amateur idols -
ass traffic -
bi experience -
cumshot circus -
download pass -
ebony climax -
gay dream boys -
give me pink -
jerk that cock -
latina diamonds -
lesbian sistas -
maximum orgy -
naughty teen club -
porn movie outlet -

At August 24, 2008 10:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

screw my sexy wife -
sperm swap -
tasty teen babes -
tranny centerfolds -
mature caress -
all internal -
amateur idols -
ass traffic -
bi experience -
cumshot circus -
download pass -
gay dream boys -
give me pink -
jerk that cock -
latina diamonds -
lesbian sistas -
mega site pass -
no mans playland -
pronstar tryouts -
screw my sexy wife -
sperm swap -
tasty teen babes -
tranny centerfolds -
mature caress -
all internal -
amateur idols -
ass traffic -
bi experience -
cumshot circus -
download pass -
gay dream boys -
give me pink -
jerk that cock -
latina diamonds -
lesbian sistas -
mega site pass -
no mans playland -
pornstar tryouts -
screw my sexy wife -
sperm swap -
tasty teen babes -
tranny centerfolds -
outrageous grannies -
all internal -
anal intensity -
ass traffic -
bi experience -
cum thirsty -
downlod pass -
give me pink -
got pornstars -
jerk that cock -
latina princesses -
lesbian suite -
mega site pass -
no mans playland -
pornstar tryouts -
screw my sexy wife -
sperm swap -
teen blowjob auditions -
tranny pursuit -
outrageous grannies -
all internal -
anal intensity -
ass traffic -
black cock party -
cum thirsty -
download pass -
ebony climax -
give me pink -
got pornstars -
jerk that cock -
latina princesses -
lesbian suite -
mega site pass -
no mans playland -
pornstar tryouts -
screw my sexy wife -
sperm swap -
teen blowjob auditions -
tranny pursuit -
outrageous grannies -
all internal -
anal intensity -
ass traffic -
black cock party -
cum thirsty -
download pass -
ebony climax -
give me pink -
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