Thursday, January 26, 2006

New link posted

Normally, I wouldn't make any note about adding a link, but this one is special:

What would Minnesota fans do if the men's basketball team failed to make the NIT? More importantly, is it possible to not qualify for the NIT?

UPDATE: You can go straight to the newly available petition at

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Missed my anniversary

Luckily, I'm not talking about my wedding anniversary.

As of January 6th, I'm one year out from my second ACL rescontruction. I'm kicking your ass this year, knee. I know you hate all that cold weather running we've done thus far, and the indoor ultimate, basketball, etc. You should just consider yourself lucky I decided to hold off on the broomball and that I don't hurdle anymore. Yes, you'll probably win the war in the end with your best weapon: arthritis. For now, I have restored confidence in you. Keep in mind that if you even think of re-tearing this year, medical technology has come a long way with artificial joints. You can be replaced.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

It has begun

Indoor Winter League has arrived in the Twin Cities. January 6th, 11PM.

I'm placing the over/under for number of scoobers I throw at 6.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

...but you can't take the Beer and Cheese out of the Sconie

I may live in Minnesota, but I still cheer for the Badgers.

P.S. Until tomorrow night and USC versus Texas, I say, "Reggie Who?"

P.P.S. I also dig Calhoun's number.